Why Supporting Local Matters More Than Ever


From the desk of the CEO

Fall is the best season of the year. The only part of baseball I care about (playoffs…Go Dodgers!) is underway. Basketball will be starting up before we know it. And the best sport ever, football, is in full swing. You gotta love fall!

Sports have always been a significant part of my life. In fact, many of my most important life lessons were learned on the field or court—through coaches, teammates, and occasionally, even fans. It’s no surprise that my presentations and talks are filled with sports analogies and quotes. (In fact, the staff here runs an over/under line on how many sports references will make their way into each of my presentations!) One of the key principles in the Brand33 Manifesto even highlights this: “We believe that sports analogies are of biblical importance.”

Fittingly, sports are still a big part of my daily life. Not only do I spend more time than anyone should be reading about and watching sports, but we're lucky to have an amazing client who really gets the value of sponsorships for all the right reasons. And let's be real—there are the usual perks: brand exposure through TV, social media, signage, and merchandise, plus the ability to connect with specific target audiences, build positive associations, and offer VIP experiences to important clients. All of that can lead to solid returns.

But honestly, what matters even more is that sponsorships offer a genuine opportunity to give back to the community. Isn’t that why we’re really here? To help one another? Lord knows, in these turbulent times, the world could use a little more humanity.

Connecting with the community through local or regional sponsorships can really help a brand in meaningful ways. It builds stronger loyalty and trust by showing that the brand genuinely cares, which also makes it feel more authentic. Plus, it’s a great way to reach specific audiences and spark positive word-of-mouth. Local sponsorships set a brand apart from competitors and can lead to great PR without needing big ad campaigns. They also create lasting relationships with community leaders and boost employee morale—people feel proud to work for a company that gives back. Even on a smaller scale, this kind of involvement can really enhance a brand’s reputation and drive growth. Sponsoring local or regional teams, leagues, or events allows a brand to connect with the community. This can build goodwill and showcase the brand’s commitment to social responsibility.

The bottom line is, even if you can’t afford a huge sponsorship on a national level, regional or local sponsorships still have positive returns. They may not necessarily be monetary rewards, but the opportunity to help others is an incredible reward in itself. And in my experience, even the smallest acts of community support come full circle in surprising ways. Supporting your neighbors is never a bad thing.

So, I’ll leave you with the sainted words of Jerome Bettis from my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers:

“When you're able to give back and help the community that helped you, it's the most rewarding feeling. It's not about what you get, it's about what you give.”

Michael D. Dean
CEO Brand 33

Michael Dean