You can’t make this stuff up.


Unbelievable. If the story of the year 2020 was written up as a movie script, it would be soundly rejected by every production house in town. They would lambaste it as ludicrous, chaotic and utterly implausible. Too many tragedies. Too many villains. Too many competing plot lines. Each one could be its own mini-series. Consider these storylines, all from 2020: An impeached President was acquitted, a deadly pandemic swept the world, a global economic recession followed, a series of police killings spawned urban protests across the country, the western U.S. experienced the worst fire season ever, and, of course, the nation endured the ugliest Presidential election in our history. I think I speak for most when I say: 2020, good riddance!

And yet, while we can certainly put this year behind us, we can’t allow ourselves to forget all that happened. There are hard lessons to be learned, sure, but there were also bright spots to celebrate. Scientists, for example, created a vaccine in record-breaking time. Despite the Covid-19 risks, the American people voted in record numbers. Racial equality became a genuine priority. Air pollution plummeted. So did noise pollution. People reconnected with old friends. And discovered new music. Cooking made a comeback. The world became more cooperative and virtually connected.

As we look forward to 2021, we at Brand33 are grateful for the people in our lives. Our Manifesto states: We believe that friends, co-workers and clients are the same thing. And that “thing” is a person to be treated with kindness, respect, and generosity. So, Happy New Year to you. And, here’s to a healthy and prosperous 2021 for everyone.

Tammy McNair